Cat Smith Working for Lancaster and Wyre

I was delighted to visit the new Youth Hub which has just opened in Fleetwood – an empowering and innovative scheme to help young people find an exciting job, build their self confidence or get help with developing new skills.
Anyone can pop into the youth hub from 9-5 Wednesday to Friday on Pharos Street where a specialist team are there to listen, guide and support.
In particular they want to help 16-24 year old young people get the right start in life to find a passion and create the opportunity for them to reach their aspirations and ambition.
You don’t need qualifications or to feel intimidated – the team are a really friendly bunch, there to give you the help you want to get on in life.
If you know a young person who has struggled to move into work for the first time, had difficulty in gaining work experience or been knocked back trying to access education and training then pop down to the hub where the team is ready to help where others might have failed.
The team is also keen to partner with other organisations, schools, youth groups and employers so if you think you could collaborate to create new opportunities for young people who can so easily get lost then please give Mark a call on 07483 041028.
I wish the team all the best in their new endeavour, and I look forward to catching up with you all again soon!