Cat Smith Working for Lancaster and Wyre

As you know, I’m deeply concerned about the poor access to dentistry in the UK. When constituents write saying they’ve pulled their own teeth out because they can’t get an appointment, its clear something has to be done.
I’ve joined with other MPs across the political spectrum in writing to the new Secretary of Health Therese Coffey to raise our concerns. I’ve posted the letter below.
Ms Coffey is expected to make a statement on the future of the NHS tomorrow. She’s listed dentistry as part of her ‘ABDC’ list of priorities. I’m worried that she’ll just re-announce the small changes to the dental contract which were published just before the summer recess, which will not on their own be nearly enough to tackle the crisis in the sector.
I hope to address the Secretary of State directly in the House of Commons tomorrow and I’ll keep you updated on progress.