Cat Smith Working for Lancaster and Wyre

Earlier this month I was contacted by Fleetwood residents who were concerned about the accessibility of the promenade following a huge build up of sand.
Cyclists were having to dismount to walk over the sand, and the promenade was inaccessible for those on wheelchairs or with prams. I approached Wyre Council raising my concerns that it hadn’t been cleared for some time now, asking them to clear pathway for residents and visitors.
I’m pleased to update you that this has now been done, and Wyre Council have advised:
“The area does receive regular attention, with increased frequency during bad weather. This recent build up of sand was due to strong winds last weekend and a change in wind direction which contributed to an accumulation of sand behind the YMCA and Marine Hall buildings – the exposed pathway is almost part of the main beach and the slightest wind in the wrong direction will deposit tons of sand within a few hours. We try to stay on top of it with our routine road sweeper but on occasion when the build-up becomes very thick we need to request assistance from the sea defences team who will use their JCB to shovel up larger quantities of sand – this is subject to availability as they have other routine work which may take priority.
For reference, 35 tonnes of sand has been removed from the promenade in the past week and staff have been reminded to inform a supervisor if the build-up becomes too thick to sweep.“