Cat Smith MP: Supporting you in the cost of living crisis.
Cat Smith MP: Supporting you in the cost of living crisis.

The cost-of-living crisis is the single biggest issue on everyone’s mind at the moment.

Mortgages and rents are through the roof. Energy bills have gone up and up. Foodstuffs are astronomical in our supermarkets. It cannot go on like this, we need action now.

The Government will bring forward its budget on Wednesday 6th March and MPs are invited to make ‘budget representations’ to the Chancellor. As I form my representation, I want to know what your priorities are, so the Chancellor is under no illusion what the key concerns are for residents in North Lancashire.

I therefore invite you to complete the survey below. The more responses I receive, the stronger a message I can convey to the Treasury about the need for them to act.

What should I include in my Budget Representation?

Are you finding yourself getting into debt due to the cost of living crisis?(Required)
Which party would you vote for if there were a General Election tomorrow?
We may use the information you provide, such as name and postcode, to match the data provided to your electoral register record held on our electoral database, which could inform future communications you receive from us. You can opt out at any time. We may use your answers to help us campaign better. For information about my data and privacy policy you canĀ read more here.
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