Cat Smith Working for Lancaster and Wyre

I recently asked for an immediate investigation into the recent surge in odour emissions from the Jameson Road
Landfill Site, asking them for urgent remedial measures, to undertake a comprehensive review of the landfill’s impact on the community and environment including stringent measures to mitigate odour and prevent pollution, as well as
transparent communication and engagement with the Fleetwood community regarding any plans for the landfill site.
I am pleased that the EA have investigated and have advised that they have made improvement recommendations to the site owner to stop accepting new waste, and have increased their monitoring at the site via landfill engineering specialists and drones to identify specific steps the company needs to take – and crucially, are open to consideration for enforcement action against the company if this continues.
With this in mind, it seems that the best action local residents can take at this time is to call the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 to report any odours as soon as you smell them, as the more reports that are made, the more they know that there is a continued impact which can assist them in making the case for any necessary enforcement further down the line.
As the odour appears to be from the recycling site it might be worth bringing this to the attention of Conservative-controlled Wyre Council’s environmental health team for investigation, and to ask further about the approval they give for the private company to set up, operate, and undertake such waste processing action in the town. Following my request, Wyre Council have now created a new form for reporting odours which you can find here: or report by calling 01253 891000.
You can see my latest resident update with the Environment Agency’s response to me below: