Cat Smith Working for Lancaster and Wyre

As part of the ongoing saga with the A1 Supa Skips site, in which hundreds of tonnes of environmental waste had been left unprocessed in the old power station on the Lune Industrial Estate in the Marsh area of Lancaster, I challenged O2 months ago to find a new place for masts, as it was increasingly clear that they would not be able to fix the masts at the current site due to the ongoing legal and safety challenges.
I supported over 100 residents who were customers of O2 to make complaints to the company and seek compensation, and I’m pleased that this has had some positive results. but we need a long term fix to the very poor mobile signal in the area, along with tackling the actual environmental hazard at the site.
Now, my worst fears have been realised, in that following the huge fire at the site, it is now almost a certainty that the O2 mast will now not be fixed.
I didn’t even get a reply to my last letter in October, despite following this up in November before the fire. But given the impact the blaze has had on the site, I have written once again to O2 to demand that they seek new masts in the area.